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于文兴,字中亭,男,汉族。1964 年 2 月生于山东省青岛平度市。现为国家一级美术师。是中国东方文化研究会“书法研究员”。是中国中央电视台 CCTV《艺术名家》栏目组的“特聘艺术顾问”。是中国书画家协会会员,中国教育电视台水墨丹青书画院会员,中国世纪大采风书画院院士。是北京中宣盛世国际书画院会员,青岛市书法家协会会员。平度市书法家协会会员。从小受于粒民老师和父亲于坚志的指导和影响,自颜、柳入手,进而临学“二王”,并通过学习先辈于松岩、于翔鸿以及清末何绍基等人的笔法,进一步领悟了传统书法的精妙。书法作品多次参加全国书法展赛。自2005 年开始,主要从事书法教育和书法创作工作,是当地小有名气的职业书法家。2005 年 9 月参加“岳安杯”第一届国际书法作品展获“作品提名”奖,作品入编《中国书画名家名作典藏》,2014 年 8 月,作品入选“洪平杯”第七届中国重阳书画展 ,2015 年 6 月作品入编书法报社出版的《当代书画家名录》。2015 年 7 月,作品入编由《中国书画导报》主编出版的《中国书画名家代表作年鉴》。2017 年 6 月,荣获中国好品牌 HAOBRAND 艺术人物榜☆影响力艺术人物,2017 年 8 月,荣獲全国【书画传承奖】書法成人组银奖。2018年 1 月,荣获首届"书法印象杯"全国书法、硬笔书法大赛毛笔书法三等奖。2019 年 3 月,正式被“伟大历程…庆祝建国七十周年”主题《中国邮册》收录。经主管部门严格审批,准予出版素有“国家名片”之誉的邮票、邮品、邮册。2019年 5 月,被国际品牌名家百科编入中心特邀编入首批上榜(国际)品牌書法名家百科檔案序列。认证编号:INART—SF011。2020 年 3 月,入驻国家名人数据库。2021 年 5 月,入驻全国书画人才资料数据库。2021 年 7 月,为纪念中国共产党诞辰 100 周年,官方权威颁发牌匾,特授予“人民艺术家”荣誉称号!2023 年 2 月,作品入编中国书画出版社出版的近当代(清末——2022)中国美术史。2023 年 11 月,经国务外交礼品网评审委员会决定,授予“国务外交礼品师”荣誉称号。经国宾礼(特供)外事管理中心特邀荣誉担任“国家对外友好文化使者”。

Yu Wenxing, styled Zhongting, male, Han ethnicity. Born in February 1964 in Pingdu City, Qingdao,Shandong Province. I am currently a national first-classartist. He is a calligraphy researcher at the China OrientalCulture Research Association. He is a specially appointedart consultant for the CCTV program "Artists" of ChinaCentral Television. He is a member of the ChineseCalligraphers and Painters Association, a member of theChina Education Television Ink Painting Academy, and anacademician of the China Century Great CollectionCalligraphy and Painting Academy. He is a member ofBeijing Zhongxuan Shengshi International Calligraphyand Painting Academy and Qingdao CalligraphersAssociation. Member of the Pingdu CalligraphersAssociation. From a young age, under the guidance andinfluence of Teacher Renmin and Father Yu Jianzhi, Istarted from Yan and Liu, and then went on to study the"Two Kings". Through learning the brushwork of myancestors such as Yu Songyan, Yu Xianghong, and HeShaoji in the late Qing Dynasty, I further understood theintricacies of traditional calligraphy. My calligraphyworks have participated in multiple national calligraphyexhibitions and competitions. Since 2005, he has mainlyengaged in calligraphy education and calligraphycreation, and is a well-known professional calligrapher inthe local area. In September 2005, he participated in thefirst International Calligraphy Exhibition of the "Yue'anCup" and won the "Work Nomination" award. His workwas included in the "Collection of Famous ChineseCalligraphers and Painters". In August 2014, his workwas selected for the 7th China Chongyang Calligraphyand Painting Exhibition of the "Hongping Cup". In June2015, his work was included in the "List ofContemporary Calligraphers and Painters" published bythe calligraphy newspaper. In July 2015, the work wasincluded in the "Representative Works Yearbook ofChinese Calligraphers and Painters" published by theeditor in chief of the Chinese Calligraphy and PaintingGuide. In June 2017, he was awarded the InfluentialArtist on the HAOBRAND Art Figure List of Chinese GoodBrands. In August 2017, he was awarded the SilverAward in the National Calligraphy and PaintingInheritance Award for the Adult Calligraphy Group. InJanuary 2018, won the third prize in the first "CalligraphyImpression Cup" National Calligraphy and Hard PenCalligraphy Competition for Chinese calligraphy. InMarch 2019, it was officially included in the "GreatJourney... Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of theFounding of the People's Republic of China" themed"China Postbook". After strict approval by thecompetent department, it is allowed to publish stamps,postal products, and albums known as the "nationalbusiness card". In May 2019, he was specially invited bythe International Brand Calligrapher EncyclopediaCompilation Center to be included in the first batch oflisted (international) brand calligraphy expertencyclopedia archive sequences. Certification number:INART-SF011. In March 2020, I joined the NationalCelebrity Database. In May 2021, I joined the NationalCalligraphy and Painting Talent Information Database. InJuly 2021, in order to commemorate the 100thanniversary of the birth of the CPC, the official authoritywill issue a plaque and specially award the honorary titleof "People's Artist"! In February 2023, the work wasincluded in the Modern and Contemporary (Late Qing-2022) Chinese Art History published by China Paintingand Calligraphy Publishing House. In November 2023,the State Diplomatic Gift Network Evaluation Committeedecided to award the honorary title of "State DiplomaticGift Master". Specially invited by the Foreign AffairsManagement Center of Jingguo Binli (Special Supply) toserve as the "National Ambassador of Foreign FriendshipCulture".

师颜楷大气 写曹全典雅







著名书画评论家 田园 2021 年 3 月 23 日
